Christian Aid Book Sale and Festival 2018

Monday, 14 May, 2018
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

The Things We Leave Behind: Mary Paulson-Ellis and The Other Mrs Walker – an author event programmed as part of the Christian Aid Book Sale and Festival 2018.

Join me and Alex McAspurren, Minister from South Leith Parish in Edinburgh and inspiration for the indigent funeral rota in my novel, The Other Mrs Walker as we talk about both that book and the next amongst other things we all eventually leave behind.

The Book Sale and Festival takes place at the City of Edinburgh Methodist Church, 25 Nicholson Square, Edinburgh EH8 9BX.

Tickets are £5 and available from eventbrite and from the Church on or on 0131 662 8635.

The event is kindly sponsored by Blackwell’s Books, Edinburgh.